Comentario Analítico: “Creepy Tale”

Creepy Tale es un breve juego de puzles en scroll lateral, dibujado a mano y de temática lúgubre, tal como su nombre lo indica.

Evidentemente es un juego amateur, sus animaciones son pobres, carece de mucho detalle visual en algunos escenarios (especialmente exteriores) y ocasionalmente fracasa en indicar al jugador por dónde ir y por donde no (Salté a un pozo de ácido pensando que era pasto); no obstante no lo voy a juzgar negativamente por ello, es claramente un título precario.

Por suerte logra con tan poco ser una experiencia entretenida y carismática, en especial gracias a su estilo visual y a su música. Los puzles también son un gran punto a favor, suelen tener resoluciones muy lógicas y que requieren prestar atención a los detalles que destacan en el escenario.

La historia no es su punto fuerte. No es mala tampoco, pero funge como poco más que un contexto por el que ir avanzando.

¿En conclusión? Lindo juego petit de puzles y horror.

Farming and easy leveling in Dragon’s Dogma

Here’s a guide on a few tips about farming and gaining Experience in Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, with a few great spots where you can farm enemies, some items to gain an XP boost and an explanation on how Pawns consume your Experience.

This guide was originally published by me on Steam, here’s a link to it.

Great spots to farm experience.

There’s various spots to farm XP in the game. Here’s two of them, accompanied by a video I made for each one.

The Wight Farm

Here, at Barta Crags in front of the Greatwall and the Greatwall Encampment you can find a Wight at night, a creature which eternally spawns undead enemies with high XP reward.

Go there, consume XP boost items, and start farming them without killing the Wight. If you kill it, it will not respawn until NG+, so try to go with no range-magic pawns, only melee so they can not reach it.

Guards farm after ‘A Warm Welcome’

After the quest A Warm Welcome, every Gran Soren guard at the Castle Grounds and Noble Quarter will be hostile towards you. They will keep spawning, there’s no limit on that.

As shown in my video, you can find one or more spots where no guard could reach you. Get there and let your pawns do all the hard work (Guards are not hostile towards them) or kill them by yourself. You can even go AFK here.

Pawns consume XP.

Each pawn you have with you will take part of your experience.

  • For an enemy that gives 100xp:

    3 Pawns = 100xp
    2 Pawns = 100 x 1.2 = 120xp
    1 Pawns = 100 x 1.2 = 120 x 1.2 = 144xp
    0 Pawns = 100 x 1.2 = 120 x 1.2 = 144 x 1.2 = 172.8 xp (shows as 173xp).

So if you want to farm XP, you might want to be alone or with the fewer pawns possible.

However if any of your pawns is 25 levels below your character, it will not cost you any XP. So if your Arisen’s level is high, you may want to get a few pawns with great utility/damage skills and 25 or more levels below you.

Items to boost Experience.

Get the Weal status effect via items.

Weal is a status effect displayed as small four-leaf clover next to their name under the item menu. It doubles Experience, Discipline Points and Rift Crystals earned by pawns.

You can get the Weal effect from using one of these items:

Martyr’s Talisman.

  • Gain Weal for five minutes.

You can buy it from Barroch at Bitterblack Isle.

It can be found inside a Treasure Chest within the Everfall at Ceremonial Cage, Chamber of Absence, Chamber of Fate and Chamber of Hope.

It can be found inside a Treasure Chest at Bitterblack isle in The Fallen City and The Black Abbey.

Veteran’s Periapt.

  • Gain Weal (Double XP) for 5 minutes.

Can be stolen from Gran Soren Soldiers, Salvation Members, Wandering Pawns and certain Bandits using Master Thief.

Aelinore rewards you with 3 Veteran’s Periapts for escorting her to the northern Healing Spring in the Notice Board Quest Beyond This Stony Cage, initiated from the Union Inn in Gran Soren.

May be found inside a chest towards the northern edge of the Witchwood, at the area before Selene’s Cottage is reached.

Can be found as loot inside sarcophagi located around the northern Healing Spring in the Northface Forest.

May be found in a chest in The Ancient Quarry.

You can buy it from Fournival at Gran Soren during Post-Game/Stage 7 if you have high affinity with him.

Plgrim’s Charm.

  • Gain Weal (Double XP) and Prosperity for 5 minutes.

You can buy it from Fournival at Gran Soren after the Off With Its Head quest.

You can buy it from Madeleine and Aestella after killing Grigori, at Post-Game/Stage 7.

It may be found around Soulflayer Canyon, and inside chests in the DLC chapters Garden of Ignominy and Gutter of Misery, from Bitterblack Isle.

Blessed Flower.

  • When carried in the inventory, the flower grants Weal; after one ingame day the flower will transform into Dead Flower becoming useless.

You can get it from Quina during the quest Talent in Bloom.

A perfect copy can be forged at The Black Cat for 180000 Gold.

Mage’s Talisman.

  • Gain Weal for five minutes and the Curse status effect, which reduces Strength, Defence and Stamina.

You can find it in a chest at The Blighted Manse, near to the rear entrance of the sewers.

You may find it in chests at Bitterblack Isle, in Fortress of Remembrance, Rotwood Depository or The Forgotten Hall.

Can be stolen from Harpies, Skeleton Mages, or Skeleton Sorcerers, by using Master Thief.

Also Hardmode doubles all experience for you and your pawns.

Now enjoy! 🙂

Easily improve performance in Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World is a very CPU demanding game, running poorly even in some good computers. That’s essentialy because of its poorly-made port.

Here’s a guide on how to easily mod it to get more frames per second.

#1 – MHW Mod Manager

We’ll try with two mods for Monster Hunter: World, it can be done manually but it’s safer with a Mod Loader. We will use MHW Mod Manager.

I can’t provide a link to it due to Steam‘s policies, but you can just Google it or search it inside of NexusMods.

Apparently this also works with Vortex, the official NexusMods mod manager, but I use that software for games in general (along with Mod Organizer 2), so this time I guess it’s better to go with a software made for this specific game, so we’ll keep with MHW Mod Manager.

You can try to install mods manually, but it’s easier to go with a Mod Manager as it can help you to uninstall mods easily or make an organized plugin executing order list.

#2 – ”Stracker’s Loader” & “Performance Booster and Plugin Extender”

These are the two main mods designed to improve performance in Monster Hunter World.

  • Stracker’s Loader.

  • Performance Booster and Plugin Extender.

Search for both of them on NexusMods and download them.

#3 – Installing previously downloaded files.

We should obviously start with MHW Mod Manager. To install it, just follow the instructions on its NexusMods page:

Originally posted by BoltTheMan:

You can extract the files anywhere and use it but it works best if you place them in your Monster Hunter World game folder. if you don’t, you’ll have to change the folder manually after loading the program up. Just make sure the ModManagerData folder stays by the program executable.

Now click on MHW_ModManager.exe and import or drag both mod files inside.

Now you can exit the program and see if MHW was successfully modded.

#4 – EXTRA: Optimize in-game settings.

Previous steps should’ve helped, but I wanted to add some tweaks here to improve performance based on in-game settings.

  • Turn Volume rendering quality to low or off.
  • Turn Anti-aliasing TAA to FXAA , as TAA blurs the game heavily when in motion, adding the illusion of heavy motion blurring, and is more performance intensive than FXAA. FXAA very slightly blurs the game in general but doesn’t do so anymore when in motion.
  • Shadow quality and Volumetric rendering in this game are heavily bad optimized.
  • Try limiting your framerate. MHW has issues with CPU threading so capping the framerate at 60 could be helpful in some ways.
  • Reduce Z-pass to low, it is the setting for the quality of texture diffusion when it turn semi-transparent.
  • If you think that limiting your framerate does nothing, try setting your FPS Cap to unlimited and Vsync to Off. Go to your Nvidia Control Panel and turn the Vsync on for Monster Hunter World. Then run the game in Full Screen to reduce the stuttering.

When this game released for PC, people were having problems with newer Nvidia drivers. This might not be useful right now, but I think it’s interesting to note that people were backtracking to 398.36 drivers.

We also had a mod called Special K published by a Steam user called Kaldaien, but it does not work anymore. If you’re interested, here’s a link to its Discussion Forums page.

#5 – Enjoy!

Both mods worked for me, apparently for a lot of people too. Stracker’s Loader was recently updated, so it seems to have not been forgotten.

Enjoy your hunt!

1366×768, 60fps & Debug Mode patches for GUN

Simple guide on how to easily install two different patches to make GUN run in 60fps and widescreen 1366×768. It’s well known the PC port of this game is just a raw PS2 port, so if you wanted it to flow as good as it did in your Xbox 360, I have bad news for you.

None of these two patches are mine, but both are credited and previously tested.

This guide was originally posted by me on Steam, here’s the link.

1366×768 and widescreen patch

This patch is already pretty famous here, it was made by ThirteenAG.

You can find it here, just click on Download.You’ll download a .rar file. Extract it inside GUN’s main directory, where the .exe is located.

UPDATE: Both Steam and WordPress decided to delete my guide because of ThirteenAG‘s website, so I decided to upload their patch to MEGA by myself, here’s the link.

60fps patch

This one was made by ImUzis.

You can find it here [].

You just need to replace the main game executable to this new one.

Debug Mode

You can unlock GUN‘s debug mode downloading this file here:

Now go to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GUN\data” and extract it there.

I discovered this thanks to “Eric Goossen“, who commented on a video of me getting softlocked during the mission “Whore Coach“, here’s the link to it.

As originally stated UndeadFrankie2340 on this YouTube video:

Originally the ‘debug’ section of this menu could only be accessed by first completing the game, then backtracking to the start location and entering Shift, V, C, Space, RMB, LMB. This would need to be repeated each time you restarted the game. Now that menu is enabled always as well as an additional hidden / deleted menu called “Cheats”. To make the date information appear set the value of this address in cheat engine to 0 as a BYTE. “0x81C545“.

Now enjoy!

Dark Souls II (SOFS): Save your character and import it successfully

Dark Souls 2 has no Steam Cloud, so you might lose your characters if you do not save them properly. Here’s how, and also how to fix the “Save data was not loaded correctly” error when trying to import your files.

This guide was originally posted by me on Steam, here’s the link.

How to export a character

You’ll find your character file here:

  • C:\Users\”YOUR USER”\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsII

Remember that “YOUR USER” refers to the user name for your current PC profile.

Right there you’ll find a folder with some random numbers and a file called “GraphicsConfig_SOFS.xml“. You need to copy and paste that folder, which should contain a file called “DS2SOFS0000.sl2“. That’s your character.

Save that specific folder somewhere else.

Import a character (Fix ‘Save data was not loaded correctly’)

Now you might think that the way to import a character is pretty obvious, but it’s not.

If you do not have any character in your game and try to import the numbered folder or “DS2SOFS0000.sl2” into C:\Users\”YOUR USER”\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsII, you might find an error that says “The save data was not loaded correctly“.

Here’s how to fix it. Remember to have a backup of your character files just in case.

  • Start a new game, and as soon as you get to Things Betwixt just quit to the main menu. Make sure to not quit the entire game and just get to the menu.
  • Click again after seeing “PRESS START BUTTON” to be able to move between options.
  • With the game still running, replace the newly created files inside of C:\Users\”YOUR USER“\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsII with your previously saved character files.
  • Go back to the game, click on continue and try to load your character. This should fail and bring you to the character selection menu, where you should see your imported character.

  • Try loading it, and it should fail again.
  • Go back to the main menu and start a New Game.
  • Just after getting to Things Betwixt, quit the game again to the main menu.
  • Now go to “Continue” and now you should be able to load your imported character.

Now enjoy! 🙂

Tsunaka Yuriko: La leyenda del nombre de usuario maldito.

El tópico del día de hoy es sencillo de explicar, pero complicado de rastrear; se trata de una leyenda Japonesa relativa a un nombre que, según cuentan, maldice a todo aquél que lo utilice como nombre de usuario (O como el nombre de tu personaje) en algún videojuego.

Tsunaka Yuriko“.

Katakana: ツナカ ユリコ
Hiragana: つなか ゆりこ

Es una leyenda muy vaga, se entiende que algo malo ha de ocurrir a quienes usen este nombre, pero los efectos de la maldición son distintos dependiendo del sitio donde lo leas.

El origen de esta leyenda es también un misterio. Aparentemente el registro más temprano en que fue nombrada data de un sitio web llamado Heisei no Toshi Densetsu (Estoy abierto a correcciones y traducciones fuera del Rōmaji), en el año 2003.


Según Google, esta página data del 11 de Marzo del 2006, sin embargo el texto en la parte inferior del propio sitio nos sitúa en el año 2003. Aparentemente el creador del sitio está anunciando un libro llamado “Urban Legends of the Heisei Era“.

El sitio tiene una sección llamada “Situación social, calle y región” (Aunque la traducción aparenta no ser muy confiable), donde podemos ver lo siguiente.

Para los interesados, acá hay una versión traducida al Inglés con un traductor de mediana fidelidad. El sitio es bastante más largo, pero me limito a colocar únicamente la mención a Tsunaka Yuriko.

Ahora, un listado de otras tantas menciones del nombre Tsukana Yuriko en sitios webs nipones:

Según un usuario en este sitio, se dice que la mala suerte puede llegar a ocurrir con sólo usar el nombre Yuriko; y nos informa de que la mala suerte puede ocurrir en forma de un accidente, una enfermedad o un desorden espiritual.

Según el propietario de este blog, la fecha en que la leyenda urbana fue creada es desconocida, pero aparenta haber sido popularizada gracias a una publicación en 2channel.

Este sitio ya no está disponible, pero aparentemente es una publicación del 2007 al respecto.

Primera aparición (constatada) de Tsunaka Yuriko en Yahoo.

Segunda aparición (constatada) de Tsunaka Yuriko en Yahoo, esta vez más detallada, afirmando que “Si nombras ‘Tsunaka Yuriko‘ al personaje principal en un RPG, estarás bajo una maldición. Mi amigo y yo lo intentamos en Pokémon, pero sólo podemos ponernos nombres de hasta 5 carácteres así que nombré a mi personaje ‘Tsunaka‘ y pensé en nombrar a mi pokemon “Yuriko“, sin embargo cuando empecé a escribir el nombre, el juego volvió a la pantalla anterior y tuve que volver a ponerle de nombre ‘Tsunaka‘ a mi personaje, y cuando llegaba la hora de ponerle ‘Yuriko‘ al pokemon el juego me regresaba nuevamente a la pantalla anterior, y así se repetía para siempre. Mi amigo trató hacer lo mismo en Nanashi no Game pero el juego se quedó congelado a medio camino y dejó de funcionar. SI lo intentas, por favor hazlo a tu propio riesgo.

En Internet existen grabaciones de usuarios intentando corroborar esta leyenda, en su totalidad sin resultados efectivos ni correctamente documentados.

Comentario Analítico: “Counter-Strike 2”

Counter-Strike es uno de esos clásicos de eterna juventud que llevan décadas en vida sin temor a una próxima decadencia, desde la époda de los cibers en los 90s-mid 00s hasta hoy en lo más alto del top mundial de jugadores de Steam.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive cerró y se actualizó obligatoriamente para dar lugar a Counter-Strike 2, corriendo ahora en el motor Source 2 y actualizando varios aspectos gráficos y técnicos de gran repercusión para los jugadores más meticulosos, véase un humo sensible a la ráfaga de las balas, granadas que no chocan con la skybox, reembolso en la tienda de armas, un máximo de hasta 24 rondas, un servicio anti-trampas actualizado (y que responde al nombre de “VAC Live”), mayor interactividad con el escenario, nuevas herramientas para los desarrolladores en la Workshop, mejoras en la inteligencia artificial de los bots, y un largo etcétera al que se le suman las versiones modernizadas de los mapas, adaptados para evitar exploits aunque en esto último todavía hace falta algo de trabajo.

No estoy a favor de que hayan eliminado CS:GO, hubiera preferido que lo conservaran incluso si ello significaba dar por finalizadas sus actualizaciones, puesto que se llevó consigo varias características que no fueron trasladadas a esta secuela, como los modos Danger Zone (el modo Battle Royale) y Arms Race (el modo Gun Game) además de varios mapas que todavía no figuran en CS2, como Canals, Safehouse, Lake, Militia, Cache (que al parecer es un mapa comunitario desarrollado por FMPONE y no propiedad de Valve), Assault o Bank. Muchos de estos mapas seguramente no aparezcan pronto (o quizá nunca), dado que Valve tiene evidente prioridad en los mapas de carácter competitivo por encima del resto, sin embargo recientemente estrenaron las reediciones de Train y Anubis, y se empezó a testear Baggage (Un mapa de Arms Race).

Por desgracia en sus primeros meses de estreno (y a día de hoy todavía) a muchos usuarios nos crashea sin motivo aparente, tampoco soy muy fan de la nueva tienda de armas, aunque sé reconocer que es más sencilla e inmediata.

¿En conclusión? Muy buen juego, aunque en términos generales no es un salto tan grande como lo fue pasar del CS 1.6 al CS:S, esto es Global Offensive con menos cosas pero mejor en aquello que conserva.

Comentario Analítico: “Super Meat Boy”

Super Meat Boy es un plataformero frenético que ganó mucha popularidad en un lejano 2010 en que el que los Indie estaban ganando mucha fuerza, logrando así ser durante mucho tiempo uno de los mayores íconos del género, en especial gracias a su alto estatus en el catálogo del Xbox LIVE Arcade.

No perdona, es complicado y gratificante a partes iguales gracias a una evidente maestría a la hora de diseñar niveles de alta precisión, por suerte el jugador reaparece de forma prácticamente inmediata haciendo que, junto con su brillante banda sonora, se convierta en un título de diversión inmediata y bastante prueba y error, aunque a ratos algo frustrante.

¿En conclusión? Indispensable plataformero independiente.

Comentario Analítico: “Braid”

Braid es un juego de puzles y plataformas en scroll lateral que ganó mucha popularidad en unos años en que los videojuegos independientes estaban ganando bastante fuerza, en este caso destacando gracias a los fabulosos rompecabezas y el entrañable diseño artístico (Tanto visual como musical).

La mecánica fundamental acá es la manipulación temporal, que también tiene efecto en la posición del jugador, tratándose de una mecánica muy inusual, original e imaginativa que a día de hoy, a 15 años de su estreno, sigue sorprendiendo.

Además cuenta con una historia interesantísima que busca romper con lo que a priori pareciera expresar, muy propio del excéntrico Jonathan Blow.

¿En conclusión? Excelente juego de puzles. – An essential guide to a proper experience

This is an essential guide on how to run, explore and properly experience, and also an index with links to essential websites and archives about such game.

#1 – What is, or Worlds Chat is an online chat program launched by Worlds Inc in April 1995. was the first program made available for the general public to download from Worlds Inc‘s website for free.

It became notoriously popular between 2010 and 2020 because of its old aesthetic, creepy vibes, various popular stories about a cult lying inside of and a strange user called Nexialist.

#2 – How to start playing?

To start you’ll need to download WorldsPlayer. There’s a lot of different versions and clients to play, I started with the classic one from this very old website [link here].

This is the classic 1995 official website providing a link to WorldsPlayer v1900, the latest ‘stable’ official version. However it’s not the best one available.

Be careful about what links you’re entering, we don’t want to get a virus spying on our PC or stealing personal info.

Now, here’s a list of various WorldsPlayer clients and versions:


The first link is an archive of various clients, I personally recommend using the v1890 version as it is the most friendly to modern systems.

The second link directs you to the official Worlds website, you can go to ‘Download’ and try the v1920.

It is important to know that WorldsPlayer runs on Java 6 [Link here] (Or any other 32 bits Java version). You’ll need to download and install it to run it, but some newer versions already contain its own Java Runtime Environment (JRE) included.

Also if you’re having problems executing WorldsPlayer.exe, you’ll probably need to download [Link here] and extract its content inside the game’s folder.

And remember to execute “run.exe” as administrator and with compatibility mode.

  • Some ‘regular’ versions of WorldsPlayer uses “run.exe” as executable, and some others use “WorldsPlayer.exe“.

If you managed to run the program, you still need to create an account. It was easy for me, but some people are having problems regarding the verification code.

By the way, you’ll be granted with VIP access for a few days. To recover it you’ll need to participate in events, like the Poetry Event every Mondays at 5PM EST in the Auditorium.

#3 – Fixing problems.

If you have an AMD GPU and can’t run the game, try downloading this version of cnc-ddraw called [Link here] by FunkyFr3sh and extract it on the same folder inside Worlds directory that contains gamma.dll (This might vary depending on your version, it can be the main folder or it can be /bin).

#4 – List of essential links.

Here’s a list of essencial links to various websites containing relevant information about

Main sites:

Community sites:


Secondary sites:

#5 – WorldMarks

To be able to explore certain worlds, you need to click on WorldMarks at the upper corner of the right sidebar and click on “Add WorldMark“. There you must paste an URL and give it a name.

The name can be anything you want, preferably something that makes it easy to know where you’re going.

The URL must be obtained from somewhere or someone. Sadly I can’t put it here via text, but I can give you two different ways to see a variety of WorldMarks.

Both ways contain the same WorldMarks. I did not get any of these links and texts by myself, it was provided by a user called TheKingWolf.

Some worlds require you to already have its files installed, sometimes they download automatically via WorldsPlayer but other times it require you to download it externally.

Here’s a list of lost worlds collected by user Buti in the Worlio forums [link here].

It’s time, my archivist friends… This thread is going to be a long one.
During a good portion of this year, I have been working along with BicPenLysolWipe on the biggest archive of related websites throughout history (which hasn’t been publicly released yet! – because we’re not done lol). While we were researching, I would explore old worlds in order to find websites, and while I was doing this, I came across a LONG list of .worlds files that are apparently lost forever.
I have done everything I could think of in order to find them, but I thought maybe someone would be interested in helping us grow the archive of worlds. The biggest problem I came across was that a lot of people back in the day would use or prohosting, and I can’t find any archives of it at all.

This is the list of files I was NOT able to find, so if any of you do… Of course let me know!

These links have been found directly in one of my explorations:
– Enchanted Forest:
– Manor Of The Ghost:
– Lost World (not sure if this one is archived or not, I just never heard of it):
– Mardi Gras:
– Cinderella:
– Trinity Within:
– Bed Of Roses:
– Babewitch’s Memorial:

Happy archiving and waiting to see if any of you can help me out!

#6 – Extra can be played via mobile using Exogear.

And here’s a download link to “Sad10a.mp3“, a music track from one’s of most popular worlds.

Hey, thanks for reading. I hope you were having a nice day!